Swimming pool
Internet / WiFi
Air conditioning
Parking area
Pets allowed
Pets allowed
- Dogs
- Cats
Size/gender of dogs
- Small (under 10 kg)
- Medium (10 kg – 25 kg)
- Large (25 kg – 45 kg)
- Very large (over 45 kg)
Allowed in
- Accommodation
- Public areas
- Only well-behaved, supervised animals
- Must be kept on a lead in public areas
- Indoor bed/mat
- Near veterinary clinic/vet
Playground for childrenSport and leisure
- Horse-riding
- Bike rental
Typical products on saleDisabled facilitiesCredit cards welcomeAttractions and activities in the surrounding area
- Theme Parks and Water Parks
- Nature Reserves
- Museums and galleries
- Artistic and historical sites
- Spa
Sport and activities in the surrounding area
- Hiking
- Bird watching
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Horse riding
- Golf
- Tennis
- Shopping